Senin, 16 November 2009

asking for an extension of credit

dear mr.Hanh

thank you for you letter of october 30th. we fully appriciate your concern.and would like to assure you that we shall undeavour to settle our account with you in immediate future. we wish to propose the following:

an immediate part payment to imported machinery delayed by cheque post-dated to dated to augst 29

we would like fsix month's extension of credit , on which we will pay you know,there have been problems with you payment by instalment within six months,plus interest.

thabk you for your assistence and patience, also for the excellent service your company has given us in the past.

your sincerely

an informal letter of congratulation

Dear ana

a was very delighted to here about your recent appointment.
i know hoe hold you have work,and you certainly diserve it.
it is a great pity i'm going to the states for two weeks but i'll ring you when i get back meanwhile,
i wish you every succses.

your sincerely


file memos

date :28th augst
from :lk(R & D)
file :c 27

whilst on holiday in zurich last month,i met mr & mrs abate by chance.they ware also guest at the A is catering manager of spring hotel (some time a go merged with albani. not knowing who i was,the possibility of albani now being taken over was mentioned. no names were quoted but indicated he knew who it was.

action : check:1.are albani looking for an opening in the market
2.what inside information does akm have?

sumber:business communication page 6

Rabu, 11 November 2009

confidential Report....

confidential Report
company's history : Started five years ago
Registered as a private company.
Present situation : Paymeny terms exceeded
supliers currently report : -

B.Company B has been supplier for 5 years and has supplied good on a sixtyday's creadit to limit of
10.000 pound.They report that the hotel is experimenting temporary eashflow problems

C.Company c has been a supplier for 2 years and supplied goods on 90 days,creadit tom limit 3000 pound.however recently the hotel exceeded these terms and sipplies had to be stopped.

d.Company D has been a supplier for 9 month and supplied good 30 day,creadit to limit 2000 pound.they report the hottel normally pays after second reminder.

Sumber: bussines communication(Cynthia Beresford) page38